Fragkiadakis Emmanouil

Evans 8, Heraklion Crete

Pediatric Dentistry

Primary teeth are shown in the child's mouth a few months after his birth, while their gradual replacement by the permanent teeth begins at the age of 6-7 years. The primary teeth differ from the permanent in: number (20), shape , color (whiter), size (smaller), structure and dental tissue composition. Because of these differences, primary teeth require special manipulations and materials to treat and restore them, techniques and materials that we can provide to the young patients at our dental clinic.

Dental caries is often a rapidly progressing condition in children. It is essential to secure an accurate diagnosis before making a treatment plan. This is achieved by taking a history , doing an examination, and, where possible taking bitewing radiographs. The ultimate aim in dentistry for children is for the child to reach adulthood with good dental status and a positive attitude towards dental health and dental treatment.

Fluorosis is one of the most common therapies given to children by a dentist. It is completely painless, short and aims to strengthen the tooth's enamel, giving them greater endurance against carries. According to the worldwide bibliography, fluorosis can be firstly applied at the age of 6 years old, and then continue periodically until the age of 12 years old according to the dentist's orders.